WIOA is a bipartisan bill that modernizes federal job training programs while giving states more flexibility to customize their training programs, in addition to bolstering programs aimed at those with disabilities. It aims to fix the country’s muddled and inefficient federal job training programs, which spend $18 billion annually on 47 separate employment-training programs – many of which overlap with each other
To double down on that effort, the president and vice president are also rolling out a string of federal-led efforts to further bolster the middle class.
The executive actions, the product of a task-force headed by Vice President Joe Biden and charged with reforming the country’s job training programs, commit millions of dollars toward making those programs smarter and more efficient.
The bulk of the actions encourage employers and communities to train their own employees based on data highlighting their return on investment, and employ competitive grants – $2.4 billion over the next two years – to fund the programs. They also attempt to increase oversight and measure efficiency, something current federal training programs have been criticized for not doing.